Driving And Touring In Portugal






























Drinking And Driving:-If the level of alcohol in the bloodstream is between 0.05% to 0.08%, penalties can include a fine and withdrawal of your driving licence for a period of time ranging from 1 month to 1 year. If the level of alcohol is more than 0.08%, penalties include fines and possible withdrawal of your licence for a period of time ranging from 2 months to 2 years.

Driving Licence:-The minimum age which a UK licence holder may drive a temporarily imported vehicle is and/or motorcycle(over 50cc) is 18.

Fines:-Fines are issued on the spot. An official recipt showing the amount of the fine should be recieved. Foreign motorists who refuse to pay on the spot fines will be asked for a deposit to cover the maximum amount for the offence commited. If a motorist refuses this, the police are authorised to confiscate a driving licence, vehicle documents or even confiscate the vehicle.

Fuel:-Unleaded petrol (95 and 98 RON) is readily available. leaded petrol is no longer available, although lead replacement is available. It is permitted to carry fuel in a can. Diesel is readily available but LPG has limited availibilty. A tax of €0.50 is added to all credit card transactions.

Lights:-Dipped headlamps should be used during the daytime whilst there is poor visibility as well as in tunnels and on the main road linking Aviero-Vilar Formoso at the Spanish border.

Motorcycles:-Crash helmets are compulsary whilst riding a motorcycle. Dipped headlamps must be used at all times whilst riding.

Motor Insurance:-Third party insuance in the minimum compulsary.

Seat Belts:-If seat belts are fitted to the vehicle, it is compulsary that they be worn.

Speed Limits:-The following are standard speed limits for private vehicles without trailers, although they may be varied by signs. In built up areas the speed limit is 31mph (50kph). Outside of built up areas the limit is 55mph (90kph) or 62mph (100kph)and 74mph (120 kph) on motorways. The minimum speed limit on motorways is 31mph (50kph). NOTE: Motorists who have held their licence for less than a year must not exceed 55mph (90kph) or any lower speed limit.

Other Information:-It is compulsary to carry a warning triange whilst driving in Itlay. It is illigal to carry/use a radar detector. The use of spiked tyres is also prohibited. Bicycles must not be carried on the back of a vehicle, the are only permitted on the roof. It is also now compulsary to carry a reflective jacket whilst driving in Italy, and they must be worn by every occupant of the vehicle if they exit the vehicle which has become immobilised on the motorway at night or in poor visibility.


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